Monday, February 21, 2011

Brain works(!) and Deaf arts

I've been feeling a little guilt about doing almost no Auslan practice over the summer holidays. Last summer I made an effort to do more and when I returned to class, I did struggle a bit. This year, I made no effort and I am fine in class! I had a class mostly in Auslan last night with lots of fingerspelling and I was relatively fine! I am mightily heartened by this - especially the fingerspelling. I think my Auslan has gone to a new, better place in my brain - somewhere accessible, not somewhere in the deep, dark places of my head! Hurrah! Relief! Things are coming together! I found a similar thing with French, the first language I learned as an adult, which I use rarely now. It is still in there - I don't think it will ever really go away.

The class itself last night was fantastic! We learned all about Deaf theatre and comedy, song signing and some Deaf visual artists (painters, photographers). Being a bit of an arts fan, I would love to learn more about this. Subject of future blog posts, perhaps. I would also love to go to a theatre show that is interpreted. Sadly, this only really happens in Melbourne and Sydney. Might have to keep this in mind when I visit my brother next in my favourite city, Melbourne.